
What Tools Do I Need for a Audi Touch Up Paint Job?

audi Touch Up Paint Tools including Polishing compound, sand paper, clearcoat, basecoat, primer and wax and grease remover wipe
To create the best looking coat for your Audi vehicle, we recommend the following:

PRIMER, COLOR, AND CLEARCOATIt goes without saying that you need paint to do a touch up paint job. Clearcoat provides a thin protective layer for your paint job while Primer is required for damage that has reached the original base material.

WAX AND GREASE REMOVER CLOTH - The wax and grease remover cloth is used to remove wax, grease, and contaminants before painting.

SANDPAPERWet sanding the affected area removes rust and prepares the surface with a rough finish so the Audi paint can stick better.

POLISHING COMPOUND - The polishing compound smooths everything out with a factory-grade finish.

These tools are all available with our Platinum Kit but can be purchased separately on the TouchUpDirect website.

How to Apply Audi Touch Up Paint

Looking for help with painting your Audi? We have an entire library of instructions and how-to videos designed to walk you through the process.

How to Find Your Audi Paint Code

Getting a flawless touch up paint job for your Audi is as easy as locating your paint code. For all Audi models, you can locate your paint color code information within the trunk of your vehicle. Be sure to check under the trunk deck lid, inside the rear compartment, under the mat or on the spare tire wheel well. Audi color code details may vary and can be 2 to 4 numbers long but can also include letters. With this information, you can direct yourself to the TouchUpDirect paint finder to find the right touch up paint product for your Audi. Audi Paint Code Examples: LY1V, L90E
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Audi history and information

Audi's Story

One of the three big German luxury automobile brands, Audi originated from the merger of four smaller motor companies to become one of the most recognized car brands around the world. The story of its foundation is reflected in the four rings in the logo, where each ring represents one of the original companies. As for the name itself, it is interestingly enough, a play on the name of the founder. Translated from the German word to "listen" in English and to "audi" in Latin. 

The brand first laid foot in America in 1970 with the Audi 100 model. Audi's "Advancement Through Technology" is easily recognizable in the 1980 "Audi Quattro", featuring all-wheel drive through a centre differential. This technology proved very efficient in rallying races and further emphasized Audi's engineering capabilities. Reflecting its reputation, Audi adopted, in 2007, the motto "Truth in Engineering" to represent its brand in the United States. With more than a hundred years under its belt, it's safe to say that Audi is not planning on retiring anytime soon. In any case, there’s no doubt that Audi specializes in luxury executive cars and it would be a shame to have one looking less than its original finish. Fortunately, TouchUpDirect can provide you with all the Audi touch up paint you need to restore your vehicle to its younger days.