
What Tools Do I Need for a Mazda Touch Up Paint Job?

mazda Touch Up Paint Tools including Polishing compound, sand paper, clearcoat, basecoat, primer and wax and grease remover wipe
To create the best looking coat for your Mazda car, we recommend the following:

PRIMER, COLOR, AND CLEARCOATIt goes without saying that you need paint to do a touch up paint job. Clearcoat provides a thin protective layer for your paint job, while Primer is required for damage that has reached the original base material.

WAX AND GREASE REMOVER CLOTH - The wax and grease remover cloth is used to remove wax, grease, and contaminants before painting.

SANDPAPERWet sanding the affected area removes rust and prepares the surface with a rough finish so the car paint can stick better.

POLISHING COMPOUND - The polishing compound smooths everything out with a factory-grade finish.

These tools are all available with our Platinum Kit but can be purchased separately on the TouchUpDirect website.

How to Apply Mazda Touch Up Paint

Looking for help with painting your Mazda? We have an entire library of instructions and how-to videos designed to walk you through the process.

How to Find Your Mazda Paint Code

The color code is the easiest way to order TouchUpDirect paint that will be an exact match for the color of your vehicle. For the vast majority of Mazda models, the color code is located on the driver side door jam. In case you do not see your Mazda paint code there, you can try to locate it on the firewall. In any case, the color codes for Mazda are composed of two or three numbers and letters (24V). Mazda Paint Code Examples: SQ, PZ/PX, 6W
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Mazda history and information

Mazda's Story

Taking its name after Ahura Mazda the God of Wisdom, was a sign of audacity but for the Mazda Motor Corporation this bet paid off. It is now in the top 25 largest automobile makers in the world but it was not always as successful. Mazda's first automobiles were three wheeled trucks and for a long time it was Mazda's only model. 

Born from a desire to set Mazda apart from its other Japanese competitors, it developed cars powered by the Wankel rotary engine. Once again this boldness was rewarded by a good success and a loyal following. This rotary engine allowed for more power at a lighter weight than the more ordinary piston engines.

With the rising cost of gas and the increased concern for the environment, Mazda eventually returned to the piston engines. However, the company has never let go of its forward thinking and is currently experimenting with hydrogen-powered cars.

As a proud owner, you can show your loyalty to your Mazda by using TouchUpDirect touch up paint. By doing so, you also support Mazda's interest in the environment because our Mazda touch up paint is eco-friendly.