Smart Touch Up Paint
Smart cars have a somewhat complicated origin. Everything started when Nicholas Hayek, CEO of Swiss watches Swatch, thought to apply the brand's design philosophy to car making. The key aspect of Swatch was the many personalization opportunities and manufacturing strategies. Nicholas Hayek wanted a car to represent his Swatch customers and the result would be a small stylish city car.
In order to benefit from an actual distribution network without having to build one from the ground up, Mr. Hayek reached out to many car manufacturers. In 1991, an agreement was reached with Volkswagen to participate in the design, the production and the distribution of the car nicknamed "Swatchmobile". This partnership did not last long as Volkswagen's new CEO canceled the deal as soon as he got into office in favor of an in-house concept of the same kind.
Having to go back to step one, Nicholas Hayek continued his search for an associate. A second deal was announced in 1994, this time with Daimler-Benz. Everything did not run smoothly as Hayek absolutely wanted to keep the name of the car in relation with Swatch, while the management at Daimler-Benz refused categorically. The two parties involved finally agreed to the more neutral acronym of "Swatch Mercedes Art", namely Smart. With the company ready to start production in a newly built plant, Nicholas Hayek, unsatisfied with the final design of the car, encouraged Daimler to buy his remaining shares in the enterprise.
The car brand's logo is a good illustration of the concept behind the design of the car. The "C" stands for compact and it encloses a yellow arrow pushing "forward thinking". This reflection is expressed by the new line of electric Smart cars that are, ironically enough, much closer to what Nicholas Hayek had in mind for the Smart.
What can be best to match your low emission car paint than TouchUpDirect eco-friendly touch up paint? Plus we offer our paint in formats as small and convivial as the Smart. For any scratches or dimples, use TouchUpDirect's Smart touch up paint pens and jars.
What tools do I need for a Smart touch up paint job?

To create the best looking coat for your vehicle, we recommend the following:
PRIMER, COLOR, AND CLEARCOAT - It goes without saying that you need paint to do a touch up paint job. Clearcoat provides a thin protective layer for your paint job while Primer is required for damage that has reached the original base material.
WAX AND GREASE REMOVER CLOTH - The wax and grease remover cloth is used to remove wax, grease, and contaminants before painting.
SANDPAPER - Wet-sanding the affected area removes rust and prepares the surface with a rough finish so the paint can stick better.
POLISHING COMPOUND - The polishing compound smooths everything out with a factory-grade finish.
These tools are all available with our Platinum kit but can be purchased separately on the TouchUpDirect website.
How to Apply Smart Touch Up Paint
Looking for help with painting your Smart? We have an entire library of instructions and how-to videos designed to walk you through the process.