Tricoat Myths
It’s come to our attention that a fair number of you don’t know what a tricoat is. This is a problem. We use that word quite a bit. So here now is our very even tempered, gentle, and helpful mascot, Scratchy. Scratchy has promised that all their anger problems are taken care of and will not yell at you. Right, Scratchy?

Right! I probably won’t yell at you.
Wait, that’s not what you-
Let’s talk about Tricoats! Ask away!
Does tricoat refer to Primer, Basecoat, and Clearcoat?
No, it doesn’t. That’s just your typical paint job system.
Does having a tricoat protect your car?
No. That’s what clearcoat is for. Protecting your vehicle’s paint from the elements and also making it glossy.
Does tricoat make your paint job thinner?
No. Not even a little.
Tricoat is paint!
Well…you’re not wrong.
Is it one of those alien robots that can transform into a truck?
What? No. You know that those aren’t a real thing right?
Are tricoats magic?
You know what? You don’t deserve cars.
Can you just tell us what tricoats are, please?
Okay. Regular coats go like this:
- A Primer (to make things stick)
- A Basecoat/Colorcoat (The actual paint color of your car)
- A Clearcoat (A literal clear coat to add gloss and protection to your paint job)
A tricoat is just an extra layer of basecoat that is a different color. This different color is usually a Metallic/Pearlescent that adds an effect to the paintjob, such as pearl or candy effect. This can be seen with cars like the Harley Davidson Candy Orange or the Tesla Shasta White Pearl.
Do I have a tricoat?
…I don’t know? Do you?
How do I know if my car has a tricoat?
Oh. Okay. You have to find your paint code. The location of the code varies on the make and model of the car. Just go to the TouchUpDirect website and pick the make, model, and year of your car or go to our ZenDesk for help. With a few exceptions, it should tell you where you can find the code.
I’m scared to touch up a tricoat. Should I let professionals do it?
Repairing a scratch on a tricoat is about the same as repairing a regular paint job. You just have to add an extra layer of basecoat with that other color. If you are ordering from TouchUpDirect, our color match guarantee will make sure you get both colors. Our top notch customer support is also there to help you with any questions on this project.our customer support will help you with any questions on your project.
Are tricoats more expensive?
Tricoats tend to be more expensive because there’s a whole extra layer of paint involved. If you order from TouchUpDirect, you’ll get two applicators with your kit, instead of one, that will have the different paints you’ll need.
Can I just use a normal color? Why do I even need a tricoat?
Because the rest of your car’s paint job has the tricoat. We can’t stop you from just painting a white pearl finish with regular white paint but we can warn you that it will look patchy. And not the kind of patchy where it kind of works. It will be noticeable.
Do I still need the clearcoat if I’ve just applied two basecoats? Won’t the extra layer just do the clearcoat’s job?
No. You still absolutely need the clearcoat. In addition to making your paint job shinier, the clearcoat also has elements meant to protect your car’s coat.
What if I order from TUD and it doesn’t match?
If you contact our customer service and fill out a form, we’ll get you your replacement paint kit or whatever.
So tricoats aren’t made of bees?
Hi. Scratchy has left the building. Everything’s fine. Thank you so much for all your wonderful questions. We hope this helped to clarify things.