Tips For Every Adventure: Rain Damage

We’ve spent some time warning of the dangers of driving in the rain. While we made some very good points about hydroplaning being bad, we may have overlooked one very important fact:
The rain is coming to wreck your paint job! It’s just up there…waiting. Okay, it’s not as dire as we’re making it sound. You can drive in the rain a lot and still have a great looking car. But there are a couple things you need to look out for. Here are just a few of the issues rain can cause and what you can do to make sure that your car’s coat stays pristine.
What Issues Can Rain Cause?
The big issue isn’t so much the water falling from the sky but rather what’s in the water. To be blunt, rain is dirty sometimes. As it falls, rain can pick up a variety of debris like dirt, dust, and small particles. When that debris hits your car, it can scratch your paint job or leave behind abrasive particles when the rainwater evaporates. Minerals left on your car’s coat after evaporation will form water spots that eventually etch themselves onto the surface. These problems are greatly heightened in areas of high pollution. If the levels of pollution in the atmosphere are very high, it will mix with the rain. What does this mean for your car? While the mighty Clearcoat can protect you from a myriad of issues, this kind of rain can gradually strip away that protective finish and the vulnerable layers underneath. We’re talking paint damage and corrosion here. We’ve talked about the issues with what’s in the rain, but what about the rain itself? In small doses, rain is fine. But if you live in a rainy area, you’re going to need to be careful! If a car is frequently exposed to rain without proper maintenance or protection, the constant moisture can contribute to paint degradation. Your paint job could peel and fade and even develop the dreaded rust! What can be done to avoid such a fate?
How to Prevent and Repair Rain Damage
The steps you can take to minimize rain damage are pretty simple actually. The first step is to be vigilant. Those water spots we mentioned earlier? If you find them before they become one with your car, wash it off before the minerals can become one with your paint. Regularly maintaining your car will allow you to address any issues before they get worse. If you spot those little scratches and nicks, try to touch them. Rain is more likely to affect areas that are already damaged. When it comes to keeping your paint job safe, we would recommend the simple action of keeping your car in covered areas. When you’re parking your car, try to find a garage if you can. We’d also recommend investing in a car cover. This handy item will protect your car’s coat from rain, bird droppings, and other debris.
Ultimately, you’ll probably be able to leisurely drive through the rain without getting a blemish but being prepared can’t hurt. Doing your check ups and taking stock of the environment around your car can only help you maintain a pristine car coat. And if damage occurs, a good touch up and polish should restore your paint job to a gorgeous state. So when rain starts to fall from the sky, remember these tips. Your car will thank you.
Need touch up paint to repair that rain damage? Blended and mixed right here by the guys on site at our SoCal location, TouchUpDirect touch up paint is guaranteed to match. DIY touch ups can be a lot of work, so we’ve made it our mission to make the process as easy as possible. In addition to our gorgeous paint, TouchUpDirect’s applicators and accessories are designed for easy use. Not sure where to start with your touch up? Don’t worry! Between our blog posts and the giant library of instructions we’ve created, we’ve got you covered. And if you don’t want to read, check out the many instructional videos on our YouTube page.