The Perfect Blend: Easy Tips To Blend Paint On Your Car

There are some automotive jobs you don’t want to mess up. While relatively harmless and simple, touch up jobs are one of these. Perfecting a vehicle’s exterior paint job takes patience and dedication. Moreover, you must have deep knowledge of the correct steps. Fortunately, this guide on the perfect blend provides easy tips to blend paint on your car. It’ll help any DIY automotive touch up job.
Sand the Area
Don’t feel alarmed. Using sandpaper on your vehicle won’t damage it. In fact, when it comes to touch up paint jobs, sanding down the scratched area removes dirt. Buffing out this area ensures a smooth paint application. Don’t stress if you remove some paint during this process. Given that you’re touching up your auto paint, you’ll fix the spot in no time.
Tape off Any Unpainted Areas
Next, use painter’s tape to protect the areas on your vehicle that you aren’t painting. Always tape off hood ornaments, windows, and windshields. Cover up the respective areas on your car depending on the type of applicator you use. Small touch up jobs don’t require you to tape large sections. But consider using painter’s tape for larger jobs like spray paint application.
Apply the Auto Paint
Now you’re ready to apply the auto paint. Put on the applicator through many base layers across the area. The type of paint might affect the number of coats you need. Enamel paints typically require three colorcoats, whereas lacquer paints require six to eight. Allow for some drying time to assess whether or not your touch up job requires more paint before continuing. Once dry, examine the vehicle in artificial and natural lighting to identify any color differences.
Finish With Clearcoat
The last step for achieving the perfect blend is another easy tip to blend paint on your car. You simply need to apply a clearcoat primer. Finishing primers add a layer of paint protection while also leaving a shiny new look on that area. Apply around two to three layers of a clearcoat to achieve the desired finish.
If you’re in the market for premium automotive touch up paints and applicators, TouchUpDirect has you covered. We have everything you need for every type of vehicle, from paints to applicators to clearcoats and repair kits. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for domestic Chevrolet touch up paint for a pickup truck or touch up paint for a Lexus or Honda. Use our online automotive database to find the right paint codes, applicators, and touch up kits for your vehicle.